Dr. Seodial Frank H. Deena is Professor of Intercultural and Postcolonial/Transnational Literature, Culture, and Criticism at East Carolina University where he has co-coordinated the Graduate Multicultural and Transnational Literatures Program for fifteen years (1994-2009), and where he teaches transnational, world, postcolonial, African American, and Caribbean literatures, as well as the Bible as Literature. He received his PhD in Literature and Criticism from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, his MA from Chicago State University, and his BA from the University of Guyana. His research includes four books, 50 articles, and 200 presentations, and he is currently working on Multicultural, Postcolonial, and Postmodern Cross-sections and Intersections with the Bible, Literature, and Culture.
Dr. Deena has traveled to more than 50 countries, and he brings an international, intercultural, and interdisciplinary approach to his research, teaching, and service.
He loves spending time with his wife Debbie and four children—Shivaun, Esther, Rachel, and David and doing glocal (global and local) humanitarian work.
At a very young age, Dr. Deena became a Christian in March 1970, and served in the leadership of the Full Gospel Fellowship in Guyana for 18 years until he migrated to the USA. He was the President of IVCF (Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship) at the University of Guyana and Chairman of IS/IVCF (Inter School/ Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship) national Board. He also served as the Secretary of the Gideons in Guyana.
He served/serves in the following leadership: ICLC (International Christian Leadership Connections) Churches in New York City (1988-present), Church of God in Christ in Chicago (1988-91), Lord of Life in Indiana, PA (1991-94), SLM President (2012-present), and for the past 25 years with Reimage Church in Greenville, NC (1994-present). He has taught the following courses at Greenville International School of Theology—GIST, SLI (Servant Leadership Institute) in Nigeria, Ghana & Togo, SLI & ICLC in India and Nepal, and/or HIMTC (Hauraruni International Missionary Training Centre) in Guyana: New Testament Survey I & II, Old Testament Survey I, II & III, Acts of the Apostles, Ephesians, Paul and His Epistles, Nehemiah, Christianity and Culture, Biblical Worldview, Five-Fold Ministry, Theology of Ministry, Team Leadership and Ministry, and Building Strong and Effective Spiritual Leaders for the 21st Century.
For the past 25 years, at Reimage Church, he he has been serving as an elder and on the Missions Board. Most recently he took 42 believers (doctors, nurses, and other professionals) on a Medical Missions Trip to the Dominican Republic, 13 to Guyana, 12 to Ghana, and 13 to India. He has spoken in many churches and conferences in several nations of the world.